AtlasIntel was the most accurate pollster of the 2021 Argentine primaries

SÃO PAULO, BR, Sep 15 2021 -- AtlasIntel polls released to Argentine media groups ahead of the September 12th primaries in Argentina (PASO) came closest to the final outcome of the race at the national level and in the city of Buenos Aires. In the province of Buenos Aires, AtlasIntel had the 3rd best estimate of the race. Atlas Tracking PRO subscribers were given an early indication of the government’s vulnerability going into the primaries, with approval ratings and vote intention for FdT falling sharply in response to the Olivos scandal. On the eve of the primaries, Atlas Tracking PRO data illustrated that vote intention for FdT had reached the lowest level of the historical time series, with a continuing downward trend going into election day.

On September 13, S&P Merval opened 10,51% higher and Argentina’s country risked dropped by 6%, illustrating the importance of the election for calibrating market expectations and the value of AtlasIntel’s high-frequency subscription service.

In 2019, AtlasIntel was also the most accurate pollster of the Argentine presidential race.

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Tracking Pro

Proprietary high-frequency polling that enables you to be the first to know when public opinion shifts and the likelihood of political outcomes changes.


Atlas Monitor

Atlas Monitor is a customizable social media intelligence tool that provides granular monitoring of businesses, organizations, topics, political campaigns, etc.


Public Polls

Nationally representative polls conducted by AtlasIntel using its proprietary data collection technology and post-stratification algorithms.


Atlas Político

Atlas Político is a political transparency platform that empowers citizens to keep their politicians accountable.
